We are BBB Accredited, 5 Star Rated, and Provide Canada-Wide Moving Services.
We are BBB Accredited, 5 Star Rated, and Provide Canada-Wide Moving Services.​

Moving can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. One of the main concerns when planning a move is selecting the best time of year to do so. Choosing the right time to move can help save you time, money, and stress. In Canada, the weather, the real estate market, and personal circumstances all play a significant role in determining the ideal time for a move.

Today, we will help you understand the different factors to consider when deciding on the best time of year to move to Canada:

Seasonal Factors

1. Winter (December to February)

Winter is typically considered the least ideal time to move to Canada due to the harsh weather conditions. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can create hazardous driving conditions, making it difficult and dangerous to transport your belongings. Additionally, the cold weather can slow down the moving process, as you’ll need to take extra precautions to protect your belongings from damage due to freezing temperatures. On the plus side, fewer people move during winter, which means you may be able to negotiate better deals with moving companies and rental properties.

2. Spring (March to May)

Spring is often considered a good time to move, as the weather begins to improve and the days become longer, providing more daylight hours for your move. The milder temperatures make it more comfortable to move, and the real estate market tends to pick up during this time, offering more options for housing. However, spring can also be a wet season, so you’ll need to take precautions to protect your belongings from potential rain and water damage.

3. Summer (June to August)

Summer is the most popular time to move in Canada, as the weather is generally warm and dry. Families with school-aged children often prefer to move during the summer months to minimize disruptions to their children’s schooling. However, this high demand can also make it more challenging to secure moving services and rental properties, and prices may be higher due to the increased demand. Additionally, the hot temperatures can make the moving process physically exhausting.

4. Fall (September to November)

Fall can be an excellent time to move, as the temperatures are mild, and the real estate market is still relatively active. With school back in session, there tends to be less competition for moving services and rental properties, allowing for better deals and more availability. The beautiful fall foliage can also make for a pleasant moving experience. However, as the season progresses, the weather can become more unpredictable, with an increased chance of rain and early snowfall.

Personal Circumstances

In addition to the seasonal factors, it’s essential to consider your personal circumstances when deciding on the best time to move. Some factors to consider include the following:

1. Work and School Schedules

Moving during a less busy time at work or during a school break can help minimize disruptions to your professional and personal life.

2. Timing of Lease Agreements or Home Sales

If you’re renting or selling your current home, coordinating the timing of your move with the end of your lease or the closing of your home sale can help you avoid paying rent or mortgage on two properties simultaneously.

3. Availability of Moving Services

Finally, if you’re hiring a moving company, consider their availability and pricing during different times of the year. You may be able to secure better deals and more flexible scheduling during slower-moving seasons.


Ultimately, the best time of year to move to Canada depends on your individual needs, preferences, and circumstances. While summer may be the most popular time to move, consider the advantages and drawbacks of moving during other seasons, such as lower moving costs and less competition for housing and moving services. By carefully considering the factors discussed in this post, you can make an informed decision about the best time for your move to Canada!

Safeway Moving is your go-to provider for Canadian moving services, helping you get to where you need to be with all your belongings safely and quickly. If you are looking for the best Edmonton movers, work with us today!