We are BBB Accredited, 5 Star Rated, and Provide Canada-Wide Moving Services.

We are BBB Accredited, 5 Star Rated, and Provide Canada-Wide Moving Services.​

Relocating to a new home can be an exhilarating and transformative period for any family, whether you’re moving within the Edmonton area or across Canada. However, moving can also come with its fair share of challenges, particularly when you’re moving with children. Not only do parents need to manage the logistical aspects of relocating, but they must also prioritize their children’s comfort and emotional well-being throughout the process. 

Safeway Moving is dedicated to providing personalized moving solutions and support tailored to the unique needs of families with children, ensuring that every member of the family enjoys a positive, stress-free moving experience.

This blog series will delve into the essential aspects of moving with kids, discussing critical planning strategies, communication techniques, and tips for involving children in the relocation process. From explaining the upcoming move to younger children, creating age-appropriate moving tasks, to selecting the right moving company like Safeway Moving, our focus is on making the entire relocation experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible for every member of the family.

By following Safeway Moving’s expert advice and tips for moving with children, you will be well-equipped to address the unique challenges and opportunities that come with family relocations. Trust our expertise to guide you through each phase of this critical transition, fostering a sense of excitement, adventure, and reassurance for your entire family. 

Embrace the invaluable opportunity that moving provides to strengthen family bonds, create lasting memories, and embark on a new, thrilling chapter in your family’s life. With thoughtful planning, open communication, and support, your family’s move can become an enjoyable, stress-free adventure for everyone involved.

Discussing the Move with Your Children

The initial step to ensuring a smooth move with kids is open communication. Providing ample opportunities to discuss the upcoming relocation allows children to express their feelings, ask questions, and adapt to the changes to come. Consider the following tips for discussing the move with your children:

1. Start the Conversation Early: Introduce the topic of the move as soon as possible, giving your children the time they need to process the changes and adjust to the idea.

2. Encourage Questions and Emotions: Allow them to ask questions and express their feelings, providing honest, age-appropriate answers, and addressing any concerns they might have.

3. Be Positive and Reassuring: Focus on the positive aspects of the move, such as new friends and opportunities, while also reassuring them that their valued relationships and activities will remain a part of their lives.

Involving Your Children in the Moving Process

Involving your children in various stages of the move can provide a sense of control, responsibility, and excitement. Here are some ways to involve your kids in the relocation process:

1. Let Them Participate in Decision-Making: Allow your children to have a say in decisions, such as selecting their new bedrooms or nearby parks they’d like to visit.

2. Assign Age-Appropriate Tasks: Give them age-appropriate tasks, such as packing their belongings, organizing a garage sale, or creating colourful labels for boxes.

3. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate the completion of specific moving tasks as a family, reinforcing a positive, team-oriented approach to the move.

Preparing Your Kids for the Transition

Preparing your children for the actual move and transition into their new environment starts long before moving day. Here are some tips to help ensure they are well-prepared for the changes ahead:

1. Research the New Community: Familiarize yourselves with the new community by exploring schools, parks, libraries, and local activities online or in-person. Discuss the exciting new opportunities available to them.

2. Maintain Routines: Maintain usual family routines, such as mealtimes and bedtime rituals, to provide a sense of stability and continuity.

3. Create a Moving Day Plan: Develop a moving day plan specifically tailored to your children. This may include childcare arrangements, special activities, or packing a personalized box of their essential belongings for easy accessibility during the move.

Settling Into Your New Home

After the move, the process of settling into your new home and community with your kids is crucial to their overall well-being and adjustment. Here’s how to make your new home feel like a secure, welcoming environment for your family:

1. Unpack and Organize Children’s Rooms First: Prioritize the setup of their bedrooms and play areas, creating familiar spaces where they feel safe and comfortable.

2. Establish New Routines: Establish new routines specific to your new environment, such as morning walks to explore the neighbourhood or regular visits to nearby parks and playgrounds.

3. Encourage Social Connections: Help your children create new social connections in the area by signing them up for clubs, sports teams, or activities that cater to their interests.

4. Stay Connected with Old Friends: Encourage your children to maintain connections with their old friends through video chats, phone calls, or even visits, ensuring they continue to nurture existing relationships.


Moving with kids can be a rewarding experience filled with growth, adventure, and opportunities for family bonding. By discussing the move openly with your children, involving them in the moving process, preparing them for the transition, and settling into your new home mindfully, your family’s move becomes an opportunity for growth and positive change. 

Safeway Moving is dedicated to providing personalized moving services for families relocating within the Edmonton area or across Canada, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience for every member of your family.

Utilize the guidance and expertise available from Safeway Moving to anticipate and address the unique needs of your family during your relocation journey. Through careful planning, open communication, and by embracing the invaluable opportunity of moving as a time for growth and adventure, your family’s transition can become a memorable, enjoyable, and stress-free experience for everyone involved.